Friday, March 15, 2013


Ok so this is maybe very random and i haven't been updating much, i'm in the middle of a huge change and i can feel it. I love reading some blogs but it just seems like everyone is doing the same shit. Its all modcloth and bows and sock buns and shit. I'm not into it....Everyone does and says the same thing i am so uninspired. I stopped getting on tumblr as much even, theres hardly anything fun to see anymore! Even the funny stuff is kinda few and far between.

Currently have been loving GIRLS on HBO though especially this weeks episode when Marnie sang Kanye West and Daft Punk-Stronger in a really slow creepy way at her ex boyfriends office party hahahaha! Perf.

We've spent the past 8 days being sick seeing doctors taking medicine and kind of almost getting better. It has been rough to say the very least.

This means we were all sick for Valentins' birthday last friday, all weekend and at Yo Gabba Gabba live, and every other day this week. I was disapointed because we bought the Yo Gabba tickets to celebrate Valentins birthday and all of us being sick kind of took away from the specialness of the occasion. We're all starting to feel better now i just wanted to make my little guy so happy and its just a real shame he was not feeling well on his special day. 

I cannot believe it has been a year since i had my little boy, its been insane and wonderful all together, every day and i'm so glad that he's here, I thank god more than a few times a day for this amazing little guy.

Chris has been working later and sleeping more and he's super crabby all the time now i mean i don't blame him his schedule sucks right now i'm supportive, i still take him lunch every day but we've definitely had better times.

I spent all of wednesday with my good friend Melanie we hung out at her house for a good while then went to target because i had to buy a gift for our friend Sandra (aka my hero) She started teaching 1st grade this year and recently bought a house so she's having her housewarming party this saturday. I picked out a few things from her registry and one item that wasn't but i know she would totally love so i took it also. Melanie and I picked chris up during his lunch and we all had sushi little man loves miso soup so he had no complaints. Afterwards we dropped chris back at work and the 3 of us went to the park i was pushing Valentin on a swing while Mel and i just talked until it was dark. Spending the day with her was awesome bu now she's off with Amanda to Austin for SXSW which is awesome! I'm so excited for them plus Melanie could potentially be moving there pretty soon so she'll be scoping things out in the down time.

Monday, March 4, 2013

the desert is alive

Chris and I are planning our little mans 1st birthday party!!! His birthday is this friday the 8th, but we're having his party in April because our families will be vacationing over spring break. We decided on an indoor aquatic center with an INSANE kiddie pool I took one look at it and I knew our little man would be in heaven. Valentin was snoozing in his stroller during the tour so he didn't get a chance to see it. This little boy loooves to be in the water, I can't to see him having a blast!

El Paso is having a WXSW next week at Lowbrow and Black Market

I'm dead set on being there the 9th and 22nd. Bulletproof Tiger  has been one of my top 3 fave local bands for years now they are amazeballs. They always perform in these Tiger masks and they sound so groovy, its my favorite sound. Neon desert music festival is coming up also which we have been going to since the first show in 2011. That first lineup was ideal, at least for us. CSS,Omar Rodriguez Lopez,Designer Drugs, MSTRKRFT and lots more. Last year we bought VIP tickets which was ok honestly we didn't get as many of the perks that were supposed to come with it, and the lineup was kind of dissapointing there was very little variety, but i did enjoy The Twelves, Yacht, and Ghostland Observatory. This years lineup will be announced this wednesday and i hope its better than last years, then i guess we'll decide if the VIP admission is worth it.