Saturday, February 2, 2013

good vibrations

The highlight of my week was seeing one of my very favorite artists Toro Y Moi live!!!! It was amazing i had this incredible feeling the entire time i just couldn't stop smiling. Nothing for me is more enjoyable and satisfying than seeing live music especially when it is artists i know and love. The show was at this gorgeous venue Tricky Falls here in El Paso that Jim Ward (singer of Sparta and former memeber of At The Drive In) owns, He also owns the very chic bar upstairs called Bowie Feathers. It was me and Chris plus my two best friends Amanda and Melanie It is almost always us four when we get a chance to go out and its never ever a dull moment!

 Chris mom is the only person I've ever trusted to watch our Valentin, no one else has ever babysat for us and probably never will to be quite honest. This means we book her at least a month or two in advance to babysit so we can see a show, or go to a party or a bar. We're perfectly ok with this since our son is the most important part of our life his growing up in a healthy safe environment is prority one and honestly bars and shows will always be around but Valentin will not always be our baby. He's growing everyday i just want to go back again just for a little while just to smell his hair when he was a newborn and just to hold my tiny boy in my arms just after he was born. It almost feels tragic that you can never ever go back again it feel like sand slipping through my finger no matter what i can't hold on to the present very long because we are constantly moving forward with more speed each and every day it seems but i'm still none the less so grateful and proud to be a mother.

I feel good about the fact that we are at home the majority of the time with our son and no matter what we do or where we go he is always with us and thats important. When i was very small up until i was a teenager my mom would leave me and sister with babysitters and her friends all the time because she wanted to be clubbing and partying all the time and because of that allot of not good things happened to us it was always weirder for me since i was younger my sister is 3 years older than me so she kind of went along with things she was old enough to know what was going on. Fast forward 10 years and i spent the entirety of my teenage years babysitting my two little brothers while my mom went out thursday through saturday nights. I guess some people don't get the night life out of their system no matter their age. I really don't ever want to be like that. We're satisfied going out once a month or every other month we know we aren't missing out on much anyway but it just makes it all the more fun because we don't always do it and those nights are memorable.

In many ways i am still getting to know myself, but i do know exactly what i do not want to be and thats half the journey.

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